Total Medals Earned: 148 (From 42 different games.) Total Medal Score: 2,395 Points
Medals Earned: 3/3 (150/150 points)
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/10 (5/125 points)
Played the game for the first time
Play 1 round
Play 5 rounds
Play 10 rounds
Place top 3 one time
Place top 3 5 times
Place top 3 10 times!
Won 1st place one time
Won 1st place five times
Won 1st place 10 times!
Medals Earned: 1/12 (5/280 points)
Earn a heart from eating 4 enemy organs
Visit the creators' website
Upgrade all 3 tower types to maximum in the same level
Purchase all permanent upgrades
5-star every level
Sell a tower
Beat Hanzou
Beat Jebus
Beat Bizarro Tom
Beat the game without getting any permanent upgrades
Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/90 points)
Get a single piece of Cheese
Find a secret cheese!
Collect over 32 pieces of cheese and complete the game
Find every single piece of cheese (56 total)
Medals Earned: 5/92 (25/460 points)
Welcome to Shrimp-OS
Have EVERY (important) application installed at once
Who turned out the lights?
Find the Shrimpcoin Miner software
Cover your shrimptop in icons
Make somebody upset
Be real loud
Hilarious Dancing Shrimp!
Medals Earned: 2/3 (10/35 points)
Play the game. Thank you btw :)
Train as either Sonic or Super Sonic.
Beat the game.
Medals Earned: 15/21 (105/370 points)
Play Sunnyside Vs. The Eggies!
Look at the options.
Look at the credits screen.
Die for the first time.
Find and destroy a golden egg.
Clear 1 floor.
Clear 3 floors.
Clear 6 floors.
Clear 10 floors.
Clear 15 floors.
Clear 20 floors.
Get 50 upgrades in one run.
Play on Christmas (postboy's idea im sorry)
Play on Funky Monkey Friday (ANY FRIDAY!)
Medals Earned: 4/14 (20/570 points)
Buy it from the store
Equip any item
Buy a book
Get 100 kills in a game
Equip an item in each team slot
Get 1000 kills in a game
Get 10000 kills in a game
Enjoy the fire and music
Reach Difficulty 10
Reach Difficulty 50
Reach Difficulty 100
Buy everything the store has to offer
Medals Earned: 2/2 (30/30 points)
you just won this easily
You found the hidden button.
Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/65 points)
Enter the subspace
View and visit all artist profiles
View all enemies and bosses